Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ready for the weekend

Hey everyone.

Been a pretty hectic week at work, and I'm only about to get busier. I landed a pretty big order and I'm going to have to jump threw a bunch of hoops to make sure it goes off smoothly. At least there is a long weekend so there's a light at the end of the tunnel, plus it's way better to be busy at work than the alternative...

Poker has been pretty dec. I've been playing much better as of late, and with the exception of last night, where I lost every big pot I played, my results have shown it...That's nice also because in this silly game we play that's definitely not always the case...

I'm going to start playing learning a new game, 7 game was fun and all, but it really hasn't clicked with me yet. Not to mention the fact that I'm moving over to stars and I'll just have to learn something new. PLO is probably what I'll be taking up, I'll probably leave a few hundo on FTP and just play my PLO there so I can get a bit of a double wammy with bonuses and points and whatnot...

I just started to read up on the whole Dec. 1st thing, and I'm a little scared to be honest. Hopefully it will be like it usually is and everyone was scared for nothing and we just find ways around it like always...only time will tell on that one...I truly don't understand how anyone can tell me what is acceptable to do and not do with my money...gotta love the "land of the free", that could be premature and I hope it is, but it's so ridiculous to me that I potentially couldn't play on the Internet if I feel like it, and that's not acceptable to me...

Have a good weekend everyone. Later

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