Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Weird Day...

I'm sure I ruffled a few feathers with the last post, but there's a reason I didn't delete it...I don't give a fuck. I know there's a lot of people looking from the outside in and thinking a lot of things I'm sure...once again, see above...

Today was just weird. Not really much else to say about it. Hope everyone has a really really good day tomorrow

Be ez everyone.

Friday, April 15, 2011


For real...
I'm fucking over this...I've made a life decision that obviously everyone thinks is wrong...well I made it with my daughter and mainly myself when I made it. I can't do it. It is not a healthy situation for me to be in.

What I don't understand is the lack of support. For fucks sake. I'm talking to a select few...if you don't have encouraging words (not just be a man and buck up) SHUT THE FUCK UP! if you don't want to be in my life, be fucking gone!

My daughter is my main focal point...This is all for her, I'm not going to be an unhappy parent for the rest of my life. some things just don't/will never change. This is my life, I'm taking control of it.

Sorry this had to be a blog post, but I'm fucking sick of people not listening. If you would like to be in my life then be positive. No negative energy! All you haterz be FUCKING GONE!!!

I'm out

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Sorry for the last one...For some reason won't let me edit or have paragraphs? maybe it was meant to be...lol, sorry for the random thought read if anyone reads it...

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well...this blog really isn't about poker anymore as it's not possible to play in Washington State (fucking GHEY!!!) so whatever...thought I'd update maybe one last time, although it's always good to rant somewhere... Things are pretty chill I guess, the kid is ldo the main focus of everything and she's definitely starting to become a little spoiled (my kid? no way!) One thing parenting is teaching me is patience, I'm a whole lot better than I was three + years ago...definitely room for improvement but still much better and more relaxed :) Trying to start and get things more in order in my life. Just have a more set schedule. Wake up at certain time everyday type shit...things I don't usually do because I have a casino employee work schedule (lack of a schedule...) basically just becoming a little more like a grown up. I'm fighting it, but it looks inevitable, lol. Still PT at work and it sucks. Hopefully FT comes way quick, but I never know. thinking about maybe moving to nights and getting a random day job... I've really been into music lately. I always have been into it, but I'd rather just surf the net and read and listen to music then watch tv...just seems like there's nothing really worth watching and I can catch up on sports in an hour on SC...Damn I'm sounding like a grown up again. Not much otherwise really. I don't even know if anyone looks @ this anymore...Might be my last post, if it is...Be easy everyone.