Tuesday, November 10, 2009


what's up everyone.

So today I had one of those days that you are depressed and just not happy with the way things are going...I don't know what to do/say about my job, it's fun and all, but I will never make good money at it (maybe, and that's a big maybe) in 10-15 years and I'm sure that will require 60+ hours a week...so needless to say I was just irritated all day.

Then I started thinking about something I haven't done for 10 years, which is kind of funny that it even came into my mind, (I'm sure it was the music I was listening to...) and I had it all planned out...Kinda scary that it would come into my head, but not that big a deal really cuz I'd never do anything to risk my wife and kid, so meh just a day dream I guess...

One thing I'm so sick of is the "rich get richer, while the poor get poorer" way that the world is. It pisses me off so much the way things are. I'm sick of money, the necessity of it for my happiness, and the over all idea of it...I have an amazingly beautiful wife and daughter, and I know I have it so good compared to a TON of people, and that should be how my thinking is on a daily basis, but unfortunately it's not, it's always about paying this, or wanting/affording that. I guess this is just the way that the "provider" lifestyle is???, and I should just try and get used to it...

Poker has been dec, I started playing shorter sessions and it's really helped my focus. I noticed that if I play a session much longer than 1 hour my play deteriorates rapidly the more and more I get passed that 1 hour time frame. That's helping a lot to say the least...

I'm really looking forward to the move to Stars. I really need a change of scenery and like a previous post said, I'm so sick of all the SSers I could punch myself, fuck rake back, I'll take game selection, and more players! Throw in the fact that after six months to a year it will be just a good a deal, and it's really a no brainer. I'm going to be putting my first deposit on in about a week and start to make the transition. I'm in the process of finding all the mods and getting them set up, so it should be fun to get everything set up and in order...

Well I feel better, I vented. Have a good rest of the week everyone. Later

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