Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pain, Branching Out, & Stupid Bitch

What's up everyone.

So my back is completely messed atm...I went to the ER around 1:30 am on Wednesday. They did a UA and it came back nothing. It basically feels just like it did when I had a slipped disc about 2 years ago. It hurts to do anything and I'm just hanging out on the couch doing nothing...which is only cool if you were to have the option of doing something if you wanted to...

I missed work on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and according to my doctor she wants me to be out until next Wednesday. I have a MRI then and should have a somewhat better idea of what is going on and if surgery or anything else is needed...

I can sit for about 1/2 hour at a time so my poker sessions are cut to around 40 minutes before it hurts so bad I can't stand it. I usually time when I just have taken the pain pills they gave me and it makes sitting a little more manageable... but I can't put in a session that's 1 hour + so that's definitely frustrating. I'm just playing 3-4 small sessions to at least get a little volume in...

Poker has been going well though...I think these little sessions have been causing me to focus even more and I've started this month out pretty good. Last month ended on a pretty shitty note so it's always nice to see it going the other way...

I've had a lot more time on my hands to do some reading and thinking about the game so that's nice. I've noticed an area that is a huge leak for me and if I can plug it up I think I will see immediate improvement, which is nice since I've been playing well with my new style and my win rate has been very decent lately.

I've still had to make some w/d from FTP so my BR isn't growing as much as I'd like...not that big of a deal, but I'd really like to start playing 100nl in December when the games get good (usually at least), and in order for me to do that I need to be comfortable with my BR (for me minimum of 30BI...) but I figure if I can just hold off on a few w/d in October and November then all should be well and I'll get there (barring some unseen incidents of course)...

I also am thinking about starting to play 7-game a little more seriously. I usually play it on the weekends when I'm up late and not doing much. I definitely need to start learning other games, and that seems like the perfect fit since your getting just about every other game that's played with some regularity. I'm thinking I'm going to set about $200 aside and have that for a "7-game" BR. I was also toying with the idea of putting $200 on stars and playing mix games over there, but there variation isn't exactly like FTP so I'm guessing I'll just stay there and have a couple hundred extra at all times...I just figure it's time to start thinking more about other games so I can start to play them as well, not to mention the more you learn the better all around poker player I'll become (ldo), which in turn should make my strongest game even stronger.

So it looks as if the whole house keeper stealing our shit was even worse than I anticipated. Turns out she also stole my wife's watch that I bought her (only about $300 but still it was a nice watch), she stole a bottle of perfume (we're finding other things missing all the time, so who knows what else..) and to top things off she stole diapers from my daughter...this is the thing that set me off, if the crazy bitch wants to steal from us whatever, but when she steals from my daughter of something that she needs, that really pisses me off...we ended up filing a police report but nothing will ever come of it since we don't have "evidence". I really hope I never see her because I don't know if I'll be able to control myself if I do... (not hit her or anything of course...just probably make a scene with a lot of name calling and yelling...)

Have a good weekend everyone, and GO BEARS!

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