Saturday, September 26, 2009

So Angry

what's up all.

So I came home yesterday to a clean house (always nice)...A wife's friend (well former friend) cleans our house on Friday. She really wanted to since she doesn't have a job and it worked out for us since the house got clean. So I get home yesterday and things seem weird, I have chronic back pain and I had just gotten home from the chiropractor and I was soar so I went to the medicine cabinet to get a pain pill....

hmmm interesting they're gone and the medicine cabinet looks as if it's been rummaged threw, I think well wtf I know they were here last time I remember. It's been about a week since I last needed one...So I search the house and cabinet and they're just gone...I get on the computer and realize something else is wrong...the history has been totally deleted (obviously she didn't want us to see what she did)...she even did her resume on our damn computer...

I think it's so ridiculous that we were helping her out since she is jobless (hard to see why...) and she needed money...our own fault for actually trusting someone now a days...but seriously to throw away a friendship and a job (not that well paying...) for some pills is really baffling to me, but I guess as they say...some are sicker than others.

poker has been good, red line still going strong, I didn't have a chance to play last night because of the above situation made me so mad I figured I'd be way tilted and just lose all my $, so I took last night off, which also sucks since now I won't hit iron status on the FTP, just Gold status which kinda sucks since I'm trying to get that TV and now that's been pushed a month back...but meh I guess

I've been playing good and things have been clicking, I think I just need to get a little better at VB on the river and my win rate will jump up to where I want it (9+BB/100, I'm currently at 8BB/100).

Have a good weekend everyone, except for you Noelle...

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