Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Amazing Wife

What up everyone...This is probably tl;dr but o well...

So as the title entails this post is about my wife, I was worthless for 2 weeks (back injury left me on the couch unable to move) and my wife had everything on lock. She cooked, cleaned, took care of our kid, and still had time to go to work and get her hair cutting on...Thanks boo, I know I'm not good at it, and don't say it enough, but thank you very much, you are very appreciated and all your hard work kept the house in working order...

She also was the boss of the house and every time I tried to get up and do something for myself, or help her out (cuz I felt way worthless and like a mooch) she basically said WTF are you doing?! you sit down and do nothing (which without a doubt made me relax and get better much quicker than I would've otherwise), I'll handle it, I will say it was nice for a while being waited on but it got old, not being able to do anything for myself.

The back is meh's still hurts (mainly from sitting down) and I'm still having to take a pain pill at night after a day of work and sitting in the work truck and @ the computer...I was all excited to go and see this "spine specialist" my Dr. referred me to, and I learn all it is, is some pain clinic that helps you cope/deal with the, how is this going to help anything??? how is just masking the pain going to help me get over this disorder or whatever they diagnosed me with? that one kinda irritated me today, guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Poker is at a somewhat turning point for me...I've decided (I'm pretty sure I've done this before but o well) to refocus my efforts. I read a few articles that really made me sit back and reflect on what I am getting out of poker and what I want from poker...

I've gotten into this pattern/rut of just wanting to get my $500 w/d every 2-3 weeks and have that be fine, but after reading these articles I realize I'm not really getting any better, I'm not pushing myself to play against better players/ or take a shot in a bigger game. I'm just searching for the easy tables, or the biggest fish, rather than really trying to accelerate my game and get to 100nl-200nl by December when the games get way better.

So I'm going to try and not make a w/d (I would really say I'm NOT period, but bills are bills and w/ a kid sometimes you just need extra cash...) I'm going to really start and hyper-focus (good looking out SS) on my decisions, and most of all I really need to start assigning ranges to villains and play accordingly (my biggest leak). I figure w/ a month and a half of good solid playing and really focusing and studying my hands after each sessions/ talking with others about them, that I will be more than ready to make the jump to 100nl w/ shots at 200nl in December.

This is my long term goal (not a really long time frame but long enough I guess) that I'm really going to focus on. Every non-family oriented moment I have is going to be dedicated to poker and studying. I'm also going to read for 15-20 minuets each night before I go to bed (this may be lol funny, cause it's so short, but it has taken me 2 years to read 1/2 way threw 3 books...think about that lol).

So I've got my goal in sight and now I'm going to do the work to achieve it!

Have a good weekend everyone, and I better see you at the party on Saturday!

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