Sunday, September 6, 2009

Up late

Hey everyone.

Not really tired and kinda bored so I figured I'd do a little update. Long weekends are always nice to say the least.

Poker has been going pretty dang good so far this month. I really feel like I'm playing better than I ever have, and feel like I'm starting to understand the game and think about it on a different level than I ever have before. My red line is positive for my last 8K+ hands (ya ya not much I know...) and that is such a dramatic turn around from where it was it really only makes sense why I've had the results I've been having lately...

I was really looking forward to moving up in stakes by December (w/ shots @ 1/2nl) but unfortunately I had to make a big w/d since the wife had a bad week at work and we needed some extra funds (very lucky we had the option really...) I was basically set up for .50/1 nl but that plan will have to wait a bit. Hopefully I can maintain the pace I'm at and move up late October but we'll see.

I'm trying to figure out a way to start putting in more volume (I only play around 25K hands a month), but I really don't think I can figure anything out... I really don't want to add more tables since I see such a huger difference in my play when i get past the 10 table threshold, and I don't really think playing more hours is possible since the wife probably wouldn't be happy I would I'm taking even more time away from her, that I'm basically out of options...The weekends are nice and I can put in more time when the kid has a nap, I like being able to play 2 sessions a day (about 1 1/2 hours each), so I guess atm I'll just have to be content...

Hand wise nothing is better...still bothering me on a regular basis. I have an appointment w/ a surgeon on Tuesday to see what the next course of action is. I was a little apprehensive about surgery but now I really don't care, I just want it to be done and not hurt/ache/be annoying anymore...

Other than that nothing much going on. Hope all is well everyone and enjoy the rest of you long weekend. Later

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