Thursday, July 2, 2009

I heart 3 day weekends!

what's up everyone. I'm super excited about a much deserved 3 day weekend. The best part about it is I didn't even know until last Friday that I was getting one...My boss never said anything about it and I just assumed it would be business as usual and it was just bad luck that the 4th fell on a Saturday this month, but I was just informed that we do indeed get it off...hells ya

So I'm planning on getting up earlier than work time and going golfing..WTF, it's funny how much I hate getting out of bed in the morning to go to work, but give me the chance to go golf and I'll wake up even earlier...It's gunna be a nice day so it will definitely be a fun day. Now here's to hoping I don't hack it around and can muster up a dec round, but it will be fun none the less.

Poker has been going a lot better. I finally realized I just wasn't paying any attention to the hands, my decisions, or really anything that was poker related. Which needless to say is way no bueno. So I've really started to just hyper-focus (ty SS) and things are starting to get a little more like normal. Which is just in time since I have to put in about 10k hands more than normal this month to make the mid-year bonus...but it will be well worth it since the BR will be replenished and I can start actually making some withdraws...

Have a fabulous Friday everyone.

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