Friday, January 29, 2010

End of Month

Hey all,

So Today was end of month at work. End of month is always different...sometimes you're not happy and feel like you didn't do your job. sometimes you hit your goal and feel satisfied but not overly happy, and then there's days like to day, when you (personally) have the best month ever at this location (beating my old record, lol)... and everyone is happy and we have a BBQ at work...seriously I hope there's way more days like this in my future...

Kid is doing better, we found out she has Krupe (spelling???) and that unfortunately for her, she inherited her dads' asthmatic symptoms (way no bueno), so it makes it even harder on her. We got some breathing machine that helps her and gives her medicine for her lungs to start healing, so she's on the mend, and has definitely getting better, (thank God!).

Poker has been really weird...The month ended out crazy hot, then a complete 180, then ran way hot for about 5 days, not I've dropped 4 BI the last two!

Worst thing about it my red's just a steady declining line (down 4 BI), and I'm usually a somewhat break even red line, it might dip down one month or be up one month, etc, but it hasn't looked like this in a long long time, I have a feeling it might be because the games have been too good as of the last week, and I've been trying to be too aggressive when I could just relax a bit and still get paid off and steal a few, etc etc...hopefully it'll be nothing a lesson can't fix...

I'm still up on the month, but it's not an impressive w/r at all...I just need the next two days to be good ones (massive sessions on sat and sun...), and the month will be a good success rather than, a moderate win...

Well that's it I guess, have a great weekend everyone...later

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