Monday, January 4, 2010


Wow, I just realized how lazy I was this year...I didn't put any of the study time and thinking about the game that I should have...I didn't accomplish any and honestly probably digressed a little in my game...Good news is I realize it and need to get off my ass and handle this! A lot of these will be life goals which go hand in hand with all the poker ones.

2010 Goals:

1.) Healthy Living...not start a diet, etc, actually change my eating habits and start to get active to help me keep up with my kid!
2.) Have Fun Playing, I am guilty of not actually having fun since October '09. That needs to change, and if it doesn't I need to take a look at poker.
3.) Detach myself from money while at the poker table. This creeps into my game and I get nervous and it makes me not play the way I should...this is my biggest leak to fix!
4.) Move over to Stars: I'm looking forward to a change of scenery. The only thing I'm really going to miss is my level. I have been playing there for so long that I will miss all of the little free bees that I received from it.
5.) Study time. Session review being the biggest thing. Take sum HH lessons from SS, more time thinking about the game as a whole.

That sums it up really. As I look at it now I didn't realize how complacent I got, and as the game changes and gets tougher my results suffered. That is what I have to blame for drop in WR this year. It's no ones fault but my own. Well I'm fired up now that I realize that all the losing has been my fault and not just coolers, being unlucky, and thinking I can't play anymore.

Well Hello 2010!!! I'm feeling fresh, and rejuvenated and as I get healthier and more active that will only grow...

Good luck in 2010 everyone.

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