Friday, June 19, 2009

I Luv Fridays

Seriously is there really such a things as a bad Friday? i doubt it....

Poker has still been a crazy roller coaster lately. I've started to re-read a book i actually forget the name of atm, that deals with attitude and playing poker and swings. there's a section specifically about downswings and dealing with them. So that's helped out immensely to this point.

I did notice i was making some mistakes that only added to the downswing, I was getting frustrated and didn't focus 100% on each hand and decision which ultimately killed me more than just bad beats and coolers.

So needless to say i definitely feel rejuvenated mentally. I'm looking at things a lot clearer and just need to focus 100% on the hand and decision at hands and things really will take care of themselves, I've learned that in a downswing rational thinking kinda goes out the window. When you lose 5 BI in a session it's hard to remember that making correct decisions is all you can really do as a poker player...

This weekend should be pretty fun, well minus the yard work, and normal house hold chores that comes with buying a house...a very good friend of mine moved back from California and we're thinking about golfing this weekend potentially. He played professionally for a while but had to give it up unfortunately when his back went out. I used to be able to keep up with him so we'll see what time has done. neither of us have played any real amount of golf so it could be lol...

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

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