Tuesday, January 13, 2009

holy downswing batman

hey everyone. i'm so irritated/frustrated/pissed right now. it's actually started to become funny lately (not really though) it's been so bad.

i'm down 10+BI since saturday. it's really a mix of everything...sick coolers, deffinately some ridiculous suckouts, and shitty play. i've noticed i get that "o well here we go again" feeling and will just check call or check behind in situations where i need to be aggressive. its' really starting to get to me though. i was planning on making a w/d for some extra $ to have and now i won't be able to play 100nl at all since this w/d will take my BR down to my comfort 50nl level. just lame. makes me feel like i'll never get to 100nl.

i think i'm going to try and tighten up a little bit. don't know if i'm taking the whole LAG thing to far or what, but it just seems like i'm getting myself into some shitty spots recently, (probably a little tilt induced) so i'm just gunna tighten up a bit and hopefully things will even out here soon. i'm also thinking about dropping the #of tables a bit. just to switch it up and maybe be able to focus on decisions a little more.

i bought myself a little 30th birthday present...nothing really special just bough some nice cigars so i have them to smoke on my birthday and for the family trip at the end of this month. i'm still a little shocked i turn 30 in less than a month.

on a very positive note, the wife doesn't have chrons' or anything of the such. the tests she just had came back completely negative which is very good. hopefully she'll figure out what's going on, she has some more labs to do and then the doc said everything should get figured out. thank God it's nothing major though.

i start the new job tomorrow and i'm looking forward to it. i'm nervous (ldo) but i'm sure as soon as i get started i'm sure things will go ok.

well have a good rest of the week everyone.

1 comment:

SplitSuit said...

glad to hear about Ms. Mpimp. ride out the downer my friend...you will be just fine

if i had a dollar for every 10+BI downswing I've been on...I'd have quite a few dollars =)
