Monday, December 14, 2009


So I'm waiting for my car to warm up and figured I'd do a post.

It's crazy snowy outside and my defrost doesn't work tell I hit 40 mph...this should make for an interesting drive to work...

Poker has been a damn roller coaster again. I know what is going on and what my problem is, but I still can't seem to shake it. Changing old habits are obviously hard, but with the game changing I have to stay ahead of the curve, which means more study, and less worrying about results.

I'm planning on playing for another week solid then I'm going to take the rest of the year off. I think it will help rejuvenate me not to mention give me a break since I'm going to put in major hours in January. I'm not going to think about poker during that time and I think that will be very beneficial. I read my goals for 2009 and I was depressed to say the least. I didn't hit one of them, but I was a winner for the year so meh I guess, but not hitting my goals is not acceptable to me...I just need to work harder in 2010.

Well I better start heading to work. Man I got a case of the Mondays...Later

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