Sunday, March 8, 2009

headed to portland

hey all. we're headed to portland rite now. we're going to the Blazers vs. Lakers game tomorrow night which i'm super excited about. it will definitely be a good time...

poker wise things have been at least on a little up swing lately. the last week has at least been in the positive, nothing major, but it's positive. i had a lesson yesterday with SS and we went over a few things which i think will really help me out. one of them is actually the most ridiculous things i've ever heard of before, but it has worked so well so far it's actually ridiculous. (i'm not telling any of you what it is, cuz i hate giving away free information, so if u wanna know take a lesson from SS...)

well we're on our way out, just wanted to do a little update. have a great day everyone.

1 comment:

SplitSuit said...

lol...i think i know exaaaaaaaaaactly what you're talking about =) Glad it's working thus far...just remember, poker r easy.

have fun at the game!
