Tuesday, March 24, 2009

get me outta here

seriously...i'm definitely over all of this. it was a great learning experience while i was here, but i'm so unbelievably home sick i can't stand it, all the tests are tomorrow (and i'm horrible at tests always have always will, no matter how much i study) so that's awesome. then on thursday we have this big group project do and i get the slacker group and we haven't really even started yet...so awesome.

good news though, thursday is a lax day, with only our group projects, and then we get on the bus for a 2 hour ride and back to home!!! hell yes! who figured i'd miss burlington wa, so damn much. i've always tried to get out of that town, and i'm away for not even 2 weeks and i just wanna get back...(probably might b different if the wife and kid were with me and we were somewhere cool though...)

poker wise, it's been pretty coo. i'm running at 10 bb/100 for almost 9000 hands that i've been here. so that's always good. i've basically payed for the laptop i bough specifically for this trip so i guess i got a laptop out of the deal..which is pretty coo i guess. actually i've been playing pretty well, i've only been playing 9 tables and i've noticed my decision making is way better, so i think i might just stick with 10 when i get back home...

ok have a good day everyone...boo i can't even put into words how much i miss u 2...luv u

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