Wednesday, December 31, 2008

end of the month/ new year

hello everyone. just a little update.

2009 already almost? damn that's kinda ridiculous. i can't believe how much time flies when you get old...

december was a very good month. actually my best month ever that i can think of. i don't have my old database, since i got my new computer, but i'm almost positive that it is me best month, especially since the other months were at 25nl and this month was at 50nl and 100nl. the games in december have been very good and i hope they stay that way at least for the first part of the month since i'm going to have to put in such a huge volume to clear my end of the year bonus.

i am very pleased with my progression threw out the year. to think of the player i was in june/july, and to think of the player i am now is truly remarkable. i look back at those times and just think "wow i really was bad, and i still made a little $" that gives me alot of motivation for the upcoming year.

i have to thank the people that help me make such a huge transformation in my game:

first VinnyVT he was the first person i started to take lessons from and planted the seeds of good TAG play and got me going.

SplitSuit (SS), he has taken my game from meh to almost balla. i still have some leaks to sew up to become truly very good (i might be there at 50 already but i wanna b great at 100+) but without SS i truly would not b where i'm at. only because of poker i've been able to pay bills these last few months with the casino being so slow and our winter storm that snowed us in for 10 days. so thank you SOOOOO much SS, you truely have been a blessing this year.

everyone @ 2+2, to everyone who made meaning full posts and truely help me get better i thank you. there's really too many to name, but thank you for everything to the 2+2 community.

i have some goals that i think are very reachable for 2009. depending on how the new job works out, i plan on putting a lot of time and effort into poker again so i start to see substantial money to use to help better the quality of life for me and my family (down payment on a house, pay off debt, etc., etc.,)

1.) end year at 200nl w/ shot takes at 400nl
2.) bankroll at 10K+
3.) learn a new game/ start playing 6max to expand my poker knowledge
4.) plug up the leaks that keep me from taking it to the next level
5.) HyperFocus (SS term)
6.) do a video/article for a training site
7.) always make the +EV moves, in poker and life
8.) start a lifestyle change: healthy eating & exercise

well have a safe night everyone. i hope all of your dreams and goals come true in 2009.

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