Monday, December 1, 2008


seriously how is it december already. that is just ridiculous. it's inane how time flies by, especially when you have a child and just watch them grow everyday, and before you know it months have passed by. i still catch myself in disbelief when i look at the kid and see how much she's grown in 16 months.

november turned out to be a positive month. up almost 8 BI, but considering where i was at in the middle of the month i really can't be too dissapointed about that i guess. i'm really looking forward to grinding this month. i'm playing well and have really started to "hyper-focus" (ss term) which has really helped my decision making and overal level of play.

i'm planning on talking another 100nl shot again. i think i'm planning to do it on my weekend (wednesday and thursday) to start off. i like having a little more time and not feeling rushed when i take a shot so if i feel like playing a little longer to get enough volume i can, since i generally only play 6-8 tables it's a little slower going which actually is very nice when shot taking because i can think about things that much more. i'm really going to focus on being aggresive. in the last shot take i played very passively in certian situations which is way no bueno. but i'm pretty sure if i play like i have been, things will work themselves out.

i don't really have any goals for this month. since at the moment my goals really can't change much from last month...hyper-focusing, can't really put in more hours because of i will again just plan on hyper-focusing that much more.

one goal outside of poker i have though is i need to start getting sum excercise. i've become accustomed to a lifestyle without much movement, and sitting in front of the computer as a second income doesn't really help either. we just bought wii fit and i've decided i have to do it at least 3 days for 30 minuetes each time. 4 would be way better, but i'll start off w/ 3 and work up from there, so tomorrow after my session i'm starting!

have a good week everyone.

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