Saturday, October 4, 2008

variance sucks

just finished my session for the day, and it has sucked the last 3 far i'm not a big fan of october. started out good but the last 3 days have killed me. lost a buyin to set over set (me little one of course) AA vs. KK aipf (me KK) october has really been kinda shitty so far. but hopefully this doesn't last that long because i've realized that i hate losing with a passion (which is funny that i love poker since you generally lose no matter what some sessions)

lesson went well yesterday (w/ SS) it was a little rushed because my HH where i was a donkey took a little time to explain but i got alot of very useful information out of it that should deffinately help me w/ that aspect (if this variance ever stops). i was planning on taking some shot at 100 this month but it doesn't look like that's going to happen w/ this latest downswing but o well. i'm sure i can use some more time at 50 anyways.

well i'm going to have my delicious lunch of soup, milk, bread and melba rounds (started weight watchers last week lost 10 lbs. go me...) and get ready for work. have a good night everyone.
and boo if you read this which i know you will. i love you & kiss the kid for me.

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