Thursday, October 30, 2008

big day tomorrow

sup everyone, just got done watching the latest episode of SOA on the dvr, and thought i'd do a little post. this post at least will be filled with good news. which is always a plus.

so we found out today that we got approved for a house. which is really awsome and i'm super stoked, but (there's always a but isn't there) we didn't get the amount we were hoping for, and with the area we live in (honestly probably the worst ever: home value wise) we're really not going to find a house for that price. which sucks but what do you do, maybe we'll get lucky and prices will miraciously fall and we'll be able to find

had weigh in today and i lost 3.4 lbs. which makes my total 17.4 lbs. in a month. funny thing is, i didn't even follow the diet at all this week, i was good and had fruits and veggies and good food at home, but when i was at work (we have a break room w/ free food) i ate horribly, so really it should've been way more, which is a good sign and got me refocused about the upcoming week.

on a poker note: things have been going pretty well. i've been playing well, and have a confidence in my game right now that i can honestly say i've never had before. i had a lesson today (w/ SS) and we talked about getting value and value bets which i've noticed is costing me some $. and if i notice it it probably is a very big hopefully i'll get this sowed up and my win rate will show for it. and tomorrow is a bid day...i''m taking my first shot at 100nl. i've been playing really well lately and have 20 BI for the level so i figure now is as good a time as any. hopefully i run good, but i'll settle for just playing well and see what that brings. well have a good night everyone.

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