Monday, February 16, 2009

nothing really exciting

what's up all. nothing really all that exciting going on.

the new job is going pretty well. i still feel completely worthless, but hopefully soon i'll figure some shit out and it will start to click. i go to minnesota for 2 weeks for training in march so hopefully after that i'll have a better grasp of things. i'm basically gotten used to the sleep schedule so at least i've figured something out...

poker wise not much to tell really. i just started playing 3 days ago on a normal/full time basis, and honestly i'm still not into it, but $ wise i don't have a choice since the new job is a pay cut from the casino. it probably doesn't help that i've run sooooo shitty for the handful of sessions i've put in. i'm only running at .39 ptbb/100 for the last 17000 hands. which is basically break even and i'm really not a fan of it. some of the beats and suck outs have really gotten to me and i'm still pretty sick of the poker in general. but hopefully the need for $ will help my focus and grinding ability...

well nothing else really going on. just been feeling kinda blah lately. lots of changes in life going on, so i'm sure that has a lot to do with it. well have a good week everyone.

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