Wednesday, February 4, 2009


what's up everyone. so it's february and things are going pretty well. starting to get into the swing of the new job...definitely not used to waking up so early yet, but i'll get used to it...

poker wise i'm still not all that into it yet, i've started watching some videos on stox (by SS of course) and trying to get a feel for it. but i truly still don't have any desire to play right now, but i need to start to make some extra $ so i'll probably start playing this weekend a little, but probably won't start playing on a set schedule again until the 15th of february just because things are so crazy w/ bday party this weekend and vday next i'll play here and there but not full time again until the 15th.

life is really pretty good atm. besides all the normal bs....job is really going good and i'm liking it alot. the wife and kid are doing good, i still am amazed on a daily basis on how amazing the kid is and how smart she is becoming...and my wife, i truly am the luckiest man in the world.

have a good weekend everyone and if you haven't gotten or responded to the birthday party get at me so u can attend...later


SplitSuit said...

like the vids?

Also, glad to hear that family life seems to be going well =) congrats good sir


mpjm said...

of course man, everything you do/ touch is baller...u know that, u just need reasurance or something? lol