Sunday, May 17, 2009

fun day ahead

what's up everyone. nothing too major but o well...

so basically my weekends from now until july are basically taken up...i never realized how much work goes into a is an all day painting extravaganza and we will probably not be finished today either, the carpets are being cleaned on thursday so we will be moving furniture and whatnot next weekend. (a little hint for those of you that would actually wanna help a brother out...)but it's coming along and it will be so nice when we get all the furniture in and we'll be able to actually move in and live there.

poker wise...meh, pretty lame actually. i've realize lately that i'm letting the $ aspect of it get to my head and that's affecting my play. i'm thinking well i can't afford to lose a stack so i'm going to fold, obviously that isn't good at all. i played a little better on friday night and took last night off so we'll see if i play tonight or if i decide to take another night off...i just need to start being my normal aggressive self and not this passive calling station that is scared to lose his $!

well have a good week everyone. we're off to painting.

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