Friday, April 24, 2009


nothing really new at all but just thougt i'd do a little update.

work has been pretty decent, i'm starting to get the hang of it and i'm excited about the potential i have in my zone and the growth i can make...which in turn will make my bosses happy so it's a win win...

poker is going pretty dec. i'm lagging it up and things are pretty good. i still have some leaks that i just learned of after "thinking about my game" (TY SS) and ways to exploit my own play. so i have some more thinking and studying to do. i think i'm going to try and read NL T&P while i'm on the fishing trip, or at least start reading it again before bed...

i realized i'm really not putting in any study time other than a lesson here and there and a session review every week. that obviously isn't going to get the job done, so i'm going to try and study very hard when i can, no excuses but being a father and husband takes a lot of time that i can't and don't want to give up...but i should definitely be able to study for an hour on the weekends at minimum, which i haven't been doing, so that's a start...

well have a good weekend everyone...

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