Wednesday, April 29, 2009

going fishing

so the annual fishing trip starts tomorrow which i'm very excited about. i'm definitely looking forward to some quiet time and some relaxing without thinking about bills and that will be a nice change. i'm going to take my laptop to hopefully get a little play time in, but i don't know how good the internet is over there so i just might take a break. we'll c

while i'm over there though i'm planning on writing another article for SplitSuits site, so that should be pretty cool. we'll see how it comes.

poker has been meh. i've been on a downswing for the last 5 days, had a good session last night though so that helped. it also helped that my sessions weren't that big of losing sessions. only about a 1 BI losing session each one. so last night almost eclipsed the whole thing which is nice. still trying to get used to the laggy game. it's still a challenge (ldo) and i'm trying to be more aggressive and get away from my passive nature...but overall it's been going pretty well imo.

well have a good weekend everyone.

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