Sunday, July 11, 2010


Been a while, thought I'd do a little update.

Biggest change to date is that I've changed jobs, well almost...I start back at the Casino next Friday and I'm extremely excited about it. I'm looking to a lot of less stress, and more $, total win win.

The last job just really wasn't for me. I never truly liked it. They did give me a solid job during a tough period for a lot of people (myself included) so for that I can't complain, but the company itself has some issues. I don't want this to be a company bashing post so all I'll say is good people (at least my GM/and a few others in the District) working for a company that has the wool pulled over every ones eyes...well at least a good portion, I'm happy to be gone, but I'm sure I will miss the stability of it at times, but that's about it.

I'm trying to make a few other life changes that are slowly coming along, and then sometime not at all...For the last 3 weeks or so I've been extremely lazy. I think it had a little to do with having short timers syndrome at work and not wanting to do anything. I realized it a day ago and finally snapped out of it, so that is always good.

My back and neck are killing me, and I've lost $3 playing 2nl so I think I need to be done...


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