Friday, January 29, 2010

End of Month

Hey all,

So Today was end of month at work. End of month is always different...sometimes you're not happy and feel like you didn't do your job. sometimes you hit your goal and feel satisfied but not overly happy, and then there's days like to day, when you (personally) have the best month ever at this location (beating my old record, lol)... and everyone is happy and we have a BBQ at work...seriously I hope there's way more days like this in my future...

Kid is doing better, we found out she has Krupe (spelling???) and that unfortunately for her, she inherited her dads' asthmatic symptoms (way no bueno), so it makes it even harder on her. We got some breathing machine that helps her and gives her medicine for her lungs to start healing, so she's on the mend, and has definitely getting better, (thank God!).

Poker has been really weird...The month ended out crazy hot, then a complete 180, then ran way hot for about 5 days, not I've dropped 4 BI the last two!

Worst thing about it my red's just a steady declining line (down 4 BI), and I'm usually a somewhat break even red line, it might dip down one month or be up one month, etc, but it hasn't looked like this in a long long time, I have a feeling it might be because the games have been too good as of the last week, and I've been trying to be too aggressive when I could just relax a bit and still get paid off and steal a few, etc etc...hopefully it'll be nothing a lesson can't fix...

I'm still up on the month, but it's not an impressive w/r at all...I just need the next two days to be good ones (massive sessions on sat and sun...), and the month will be a good success rather than, a moderate win...

Well that's it I guess, have a great weekend everyone...later

Friday, January 22, 2010

Weekend/ WBCOOP

What's up all. Hope everyone is doing good out there. I often wonder if anyone actually reads this...

Nothing major going on. Things are going well at work and I'm crushing my goals this month, so I'll look good and actually make a little more than normal so it's a win-win all the way around...

Poker has been pretty good. I've definitely been playing much better. I really have no idea why but I haven't put in any amount of volume at all. I've only played 9k hands mtd, the weird thing is I've played 85% of the days...random I guess I'm just only playing 45 minutes to an hour long session, rather than the normal 2 hours min, so that probably explains it. So now that I've dug myself into a hole I have to put in some serious volume so I clear my bonus.

I've also signed up to play in the "World Blogger Championship of Online Poker". It's a free series of poker tournaments, that is free to all bloggers!, so sign up today and I'll see you there. (follow the link on the right and it will take you to where you need to go)

Well have a good weekend everyone. later

Thursday, January 14, 2010


What's up everyone.

So I finally got my mouse. It has been almost a year long process that ended up with me getting one from China (wtf?!), the mouse I've used for the last 6 years is really the only mouse I've had, and I guess my hand has just molded to it, I've went threw at least 6 mouses and none seem to allow me to play for more than 30 minutes because I start to cramp up.

I have not been in the mood to play lately because the mouse I was using really hurt my hand and I couldn't concentrate at all because the buttons didn't work properly....I got the mouse on Thursday and it's like a new world has opened up. lol. I actually can sit for more than an hour and play and not get tilted and have a throbbing hand...

I've been grinding again and it's really fun again. I honestly had no idea how pissed my mouse was making me. I was concentrating on the pain and cramps of my hand rather than the screen and all my tables. I'm actually concentrating on the action and my results are soooo much better (sample size I know...) that it's refreshing. So needless to say I'm pumped that's taken care of.

My daughter is not a happy camper right now...poor kid has an ear infection and strep throat. I don't think I've seen her cry as much as she has the last two days in her whole's really a sad hopeless feeling, definitely not fun at all. She's on antibiotics so they should start kicking in really soon and hopefully ease her pain and heal her infections...I'm hoping she's back to her normal silly fun self by the days end...we'll see.

Hope everyone is having a good week. Later

Monday, January 4, 2010


Wow, I just realized how lazy I was this year...I didn't put any of the study time and thinking about the game that I should have...I didn't accomplish any and honestly probably digressed a little in my game...Good news is I realize it and need to get off my ass and handle this! A lot of these will be life goals which go hand in hand with all the poker ones.

2010 Goals:

1.) Healthy Living...not start a diet, etc, actually change my eating habits and start to get active to help me keep up with my kid!
2.) Have Fun Playing, I am guilty of not actually having fun since October '09. That needs to change, and if it doesn't I need to take a look at poker.
3.) Detach myself from money while at the poker table. This creeps into my game and I get nervous and it makes me not play the way I should...this is my biggest leak to fix!
4.) Move over to Stars: I'm looking forward to a change of scenery. The only thing I'm really going to miss is my level. I have been playing there for so long that I will miss all of the little free bees that I received from it.
5.) Study time. Session review being the biggest thing. Take sum HH lessons from SS, more time thinking about the game as a whole.

That sums it up really. As I look at it now I didn't realize how complacent I got, and as the game changes and gets tougher my results suffered. That is what I have to blame for drop in WR this year. It's no ones fault but my own. Well I'm fired up now that I realize that all the losing has been my fault and not just coolers, being unlucky, and thinking I can't play anymore.

Well Hello 2010!!! I'm feeling fresh, and rejuvenated and as I get healthier and more active that will only grow...

Good luck in 2010 everyone.